On Air Now Late Night Love Songs with Lee Tait 10:00pm - Midnight
Now Playing How 'Bout Us Champaign

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Remember to include as much information as you can and tell us about it as early as you can. Sell your event to the Forth Valley and give them a reason to attend.

Tell us where the event is happening, what time it starts and ends if it’s regular or a one-off, what the event is in aid of (if applicable) if there’s a cost to attend and include some contact information too if possible.

All events are reviewed and approved manually by our volunteers, to enable us to do this quickly, please give much detail as possible, sadly entries with little detail are unlikely to be included in the Noticeboard.

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If there isn't a website, you can leave this blank.
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These are for our records only, they won't appear on the website.